Автор: DM
Дан Маркович родился 9 октября 1940 года в Таллине. По первой специальности — биохимик, энзимолог. С середины 70-х годов - художник, автор нескольких сот картин, множества рисунков. Около 20 персональных выставок живописи, графики и фотонатюрмортов. Активно работает в Интернете, создатель (в 1997 г.) литературно-художественного альманаха “Перископ” . Писать прозу начал в 80-е годы. Автор четырех сборников коротких рассказов, эссе, миниатюр (“Здравствуй, муха!”, 1991; “Мамзер”, 1994; “Махнуть хвостом!”, 2008; “Кукисы”, 2010), 11 повестей (“ЛЧК”, “Перебежчик”, “Ант”, “Паоло и Рем”, “Остров”, “Жасмин”, “Белый карлик”, “Предчувствие беды”, “Последний дом”, “Следы у моря”, “Немо”), романа “Vis vitalis”, автобиографического исследования “Монолог о пути”. Лауреат нескольких литературных конкурсов, номинант "Русского Букера 2007". Печатался в журналах "Новый мир", “Нева”, “Крещатик”, “Наша улица” и других.
Dan Markovich was born on the 9th of October 1940, in Tallinn. For many years his occupation was research in biochemistry, the enzyme studies. Since the middle of the 1970ies he turned to painting, and by now is the author of several hundreds of paintings, and a great number of drawings. He had about 20 solo exhibitions, displaying his paintings, drawings, and photo still-lifes. He is an active web-user, and in 1997 started his “Literature and Arts Almanac Periscope”. In the 1980ies he began to write. He has four books of short stories, essays and miniature sketches (“Hello, Fly!” 1991; “Mamzer” 1994; “By the Sweep of the Tail!” 2008; “The Cookies Book” 2010), he wrote eleven short novels (“LBC”, “The Turncoat”, “Ant”, “Paolo and Rem”, “White Dwarf”, “The Island”, “Jasmine”, “The Last Home”, “Footprints on the Seashore”, “Nemo”), one novel “Vis Vitalis”, and an autobiographical study “The Monologue”. He won several literary awards. Some of his works were published by literary magazines “Novy Mir”, “Neva”, “Kreshchatyk”, “Our Street”, and others.
Посмотреть все записи автора DM
Když jsme u tÄ›ch soudců, nezapomenu na své prvnà úÄinkovánà u soudu, když jsem jeÅ¡tÄ› jako student pomáhal kamarádovi. Protistrana nepÅ™iÅ¡la na jednánà a tak jsem navrhl rozsudek pro zmeÅ¡kánà a pan soudce, který vypadal i mluvil jako LeoÅ¡ SuchaÅ™Ãpa, zaÄal zuÅ™ivÄ› listovat spisem a se slovy „Znám zástupce protistrany, on se urÄitÄ› omluvil, jen to nemám ve spisu“ mi suÅ¡e rozsudek pro zmeÅ¡kánà zamáznul :-))). Pravda v OSŘ se nic nepÃÅ¡e o tom, že zná-li soudce advokáta, nemusà se advokát omlouvat z jednánÃ, ale vyjádÅ™enà to bylo originálnÃ.
I have been seeking this information for a while. After two hours of online browsing, luckily I found it in your site. I wonder why Alexa dont display this kind of useful sites in the first few lines. Normally the first few web sites are full of craps. Maybe its time to use other search engine.
Insights like this liven things up around here.
Oh, wow! You’re a WDW ninja!!! I’d planned to do both in one night, but by the time that night rolled around, I was like, “eh, too tired. let’s just go see IllumiNations.”Melissa Sue recently posted
Nøjh hvor lækkert, at du skal det, Anne!Jeg har tænkt på mange gange nu, at jeg ville smutte forbi, det lyder som et himmelsk sted Jeg må gøre det snart.
Thank you for your kind comments. YOU are very special also”.I learned so much from you and your teaching. Was not “too heady” just right….Have a question for you. Do you have any of your material on CD’s? I like to listen to spiritual things when I drive and your material would be perfect.Also, I talked with the doctor last night that invented signchido and ordered the complete set! I was surprised that she was the one that answered the phone when I placed my order!! Can’t wait for them to come. Blessings upon you also,Ruth
thanks dan for informing where turner stands.usually the big buffalo out there such as george tzorus and murdoch have there heads firmly embedded in there collective pinko anus.
Thank God! Someone with brains speaks!
Strengt! Det er da ikke særlig ‘fint’ at narre folk pÃ¥ den mÃ¥de! Du burde slÃ¥ dig pÃ¥ Cph Dining Week som Cecilie nævner…det er en god deal 🙂
You’ve managed a first class post
Gabi, nós não informamos valores pela internet… mas dá uma passsadinha em uma das lojas, vale a pena ver ao vivo. 😉 Se por acaso você não souber onde encontrar Lez a Lez na sua cidade, diz aqui pra gente que nós indicamos as lojas mais perto de você.Beijos.
SÃ, Rafa, Arsénico por compasión también es una de mis favoritas. La que no he reconocido es Historia de dos ciudades… Una gozada! Gracias por el buen rato que nos has hecho pasar. Un abrazo a todos (creo que esta vez no tengo que incluir "y a todas"…) eran sólo caballeros.
It’s the music I searched for a long time. During the end of the 80ths it was possible to find round about 10 Soul and Funk CDs and LPs in a big shop. Soul existed only between James Brown and Tina Turner in this time…
With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!
Ouias.. tu as pris une décision après évaluation de ce qu’elle pouvait t’offrir, et non PAS à cause d’un «déclic».Un déclic, c’est quand on cherche étincelle, le coup de foudre. Les gens croient que ça parais mieux dire ça mais personne n’est dupe Content que tu ais évité le piège de ce qu’elle t’offrait grâce à ta rationalité, faut qu’on garde ça nous les gars lol
Hi inna, no sorry you can’t use wheat flour, but I have just this week developed a nut free macaron recipe that i plan to post in the next couple of weeks.
Maybe the dire predictions of the song In The Year 2525 won't come true, "In the year 5555Your arms are hanging limp at your sidesYour legs got not nothing to do Some machine is doing that for you"
I actually found this more entertaining than James Joyce.
But but but Sadam gassed his own people……….there were WMD's found……uhhhhhh…….9-11!Conservatives can always find a justification to go to war, they're good at that. Domestic policy and governing not so much.
Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or incoherent. Not this!
What I find so interesting is you could never find this anywhere else.
July 22, 2010 at 21:00Bravo! It’s very important to make each day meaningful, and to have something new to report. Otherwise, you’ll wake up one day, and you’ll wonder what you have done for the last ten years. It’s gone up in smoke, with no interesting memory of it. I’m probably at the last decade of my life. And I try to learn and to do one new thing a day, be it a piano piece, or a new type of muffin, or a new country via someone’s blog. You help a lot by sharing your adventures. Thank you! Reply
I told my kids we’d play after I found what I needed. Damnit.
That really captures the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.
Well, we didn’t get very far. We had libations at 4 different locations (including Richard’s place) and didn’t travel more than 500 feet.I think a good time was had by all.
anonym: kul att du hittat hit! Hoppas du kommer trivas!Alla: tack för era fina ord. de värmer och betyder massor. Att få skriva av sig när man mår dåligt gör att man mår bättre. och att visa upp alla mina sidor gör att bloggen blir mer verklig, mer genuin och mera jag. hoppas ni står ut ändå..
Beautiful. You’re right. We don’t need to be ashamed of our grief, nor do we need to hide it. Because it’s our final act of pure, unselfish love toward the person we lost
E quem teve Aulas Observadas e continua à espera da avaliação do Relator? O avaliado não tem direito a saber?- E se quem vier a ter competência para avaliar não o puder fazer se o avaliado moveu ou pode mover suspeição e sem esquecer a Escusa?
Emy, ti-am trimis pe mailul cu fantasy..ai primit cartile? Deci cred ca am trimis tuturor. Insa daca nu ati primit mail de la mine, va rog sa ma iertati si sa imi spuneti. E posibil sa mai fi sarit peste cineva.
The problem with Duke is that a young man with all A’s and can really ball…but from lower class 1-parent home wont be recruited by them, as opposed to , a young man with all A’s and can really ball…but from a middle/upper class 2-parent home. Those young men know this when they decide to attend Duke.
Yep, photos are definitely a must!I’ve been MIA for a while so I might’ve missed something… why u gonna be in a glossy magazine (apart, obviously, from the fact that you’re so gorgeous they just had to have you…!)
I read this a while ago and I can’t wait to try it out! Looks so delicious and easy! I keep forgetting to pick up yeast, though. I’m going to try it with whole wheat though, do you think it will work? I’ll let you know if so!!
Hello! alter indifferent would way cede hypo Cyclopean thumbs line big gun blue book her have on board herewith this stump. him will power consort advance accumulate pending your blog forth variety eagerly.
Chongmal kumawoyo!! I have been looking for this, like for years!! my first addiction to hallyu! kumapsimnida.. do you think you could help me find for Summer Scents soundtracks??
Boom shakalaka boom boom, problem solved.
Finally! This is just what I was looking for.
With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!
Calling all cars, calling all cars, we’re ready to make a deal.
Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flabbergasting.
This article achieved exactly what I wanted it to achieve.
You write so honestly about this. Thanks for sharing!
Keep these articles coming as they’ve opened many new doors for me.
That’s good, clear advice, thanks. As simple as your comment may seem, I think it will help me get past my mental block. I’ll sleep on it tonight (because I can’t think of the last time I made a good decision at 12:30 am, except for going to sleep).
à°¨ేà°¸్à°¤ం, à°®ీà°°ు à°•ూà°¡ాà°¨ా! à°°ైà° ో! à°à°®ిà°Ÿో, మన à°®ాà°—ాà°¯ బలగం à°¬ాà°—ా à°ªెà°°ిà°—ిà°ªోà°¤ోంà°¦ి!:-)) à°¶్à°°ీ à°—ాà°°ు,à°à°®ిà°Ÿి? à°®ీà°•ీ à°à°¡ాà°¦ి à°®ాà°—ాà°¯ ఆవకాయలు à°²ేà°µా à°…à°•్à°•à°¡?à°ª్à°°à°ాà°•à°°్ à°—ాà°°ూ,à°¥ాంà°•్à°¯ూ! à°¢ిà°²్à°²ీ à°Žంà°¡à°•ు à°¨ాà°•ు పరిచయమే à°¨ంà°¡ీ! à°…ంà°¦ుà°•ే à°¬ాà°¡్ à°Ÿేà°¸్à°Ÿ్ à°…à°¨్à°¨ా!BVJ, à°¬ుà°²ుà°¸ు à°—ాà°°ిà°¦ి à°®ీ à°µూà°°ే! à°…ంà°¦ుà°•ే à°®ాà°—ాà°¯ à°ªెà°°ుà°—ు పచ్à°šà°¡ి à°—ుà°°్à°¤ు à°šేà°¶ాà°°ు మరి!
Good job making it appear easy.
My hat is off to your astute command over this topic-bravo!
You actually actually cause it to appear really easy along with your powerpoint presentation but I actually to find the following matter that they are actually one thing that I believe I’d by no means have an understanding of. It seems very complex plus extremely huge to do. I’m having a look ahead on your subsequent submit, I’ll attempt to purchase the hang than me!
Wow! I’m a fan of Vera Bradley. Cupcake has always been my favorite pattern.. But Mandy just took that spot!! Love the new design. I’ll definitely be keeping a lookout for this pattern!!
You’ve really helped me understand the issues. Thanks.
I think I love her already!have you ever come across and old woman with a super punk look?? I'd be curious to see that… I think I'll see myself reflected or something ha.. awesome photos here
At last! Someone with the insight to solve the problem!
diz o ditado'atrás duma mouta está outra'o polÃcia, o tricano e o outro falam de qualquer coisa. são enciclopédicos.o meu impublicável diário maçónico tem 3 capÃtulosgente séria (velha guarda)pilhas e pulhsmaçonaria do 'olho divino ao trou du cul'. fica na BNP
Tiana : A sa décharge, je ne me rendais pas compte que le mot « provincial » avait une connatation bien plus péjorative en France que chez moi. D’autant plus que je viens d’une région montagnarde. Une bonne leçon. Et merci ma douce pour tes gentils mots:-))
Il est vraiment magnifique ce vernis!Capucine sais-tu quand la collection sort?? J’ai fait plusieurs Monop’ et Marionnaud à Paris et ils ne l’avaient pas encore.Merci d’avance!
Awesome you should think of something like that
I certainly agree with Trump, I think Obama will back down from the challenge of showing his documents if Romney releases his tax returns.. Obama has already gained politically this issue has been around over a week, Obama already has the Romney tax returns he will maximize his benefit and then move on to the next attack .. the public will only remember Romney never released the tax returns and he's hiding something .. Reed and Polisi will only gain strength from their followers..
This is the perfect post for me to find at this time
I’m shocked that I found this info so easily.
Fell out of bed feeling down. This has brightened my day!
Unparalleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!
ZK + JP:SouhlasÃm. Spojil bych to i do jednoho pÅ™edmÄ›tu, pracovnÄ› tomu Å™Ãkejme "právnà a finanÄnà gramotnost". A bylo by to urÄitÄ› nejen o rozhodÄÃch doložkách …Nelze se neustále odvolávat na to, že lidi jsou hloupà a můžou si za to sami. Notebene ne v situaci, kdy právnÄ›-finanÄnà negramotové pÅ™evažujÃ. Pak je tÅ™eba dát jim Å¡anci stát se "gramoty".P.H.
Reconocà el titulo de este tema de los Stones, uno de los que hace preferirlos a los Beatles (que tambien tienen sus temas bien rockeros)El riff me suena similar a Satisfaction.
recipe below is my little concoction. I also stumbled upon a similar recipe for a pumpkin spice latte by A Farmgirl’s Dabbles that looks just as good (if not better!). Enjoy experimenting. And happy coffee
No, el adelanto del próximo capitulo me shoqueo, y es realmente una vergüenza que telefe no apueste un poco mas a este unitario, con una trama original y muy buen equipo de producción, sin mencionar las excelentes actuaciones. ¿Este año no les alcanza con tener novelas lideres?. PodrÃÂan apostar aunque sea a perdida por la buena ficción.
have your blog all laid out and…you check that it loads quickly and has all the necessary gadgets and links for good information, you can start adding it to social networking sites, like facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc.now you should have a better idea on how to begin…
Your’s is a point of view where real intelligence shines through.
Eu nu-mi iau parfumuri din România, tot din cauza preţului. Le cumpăr de la magazine online din SUA şi economisesc cam 100 de lei faţă de preţul de aici.
Jeg er sjokkert over leepriis utviklingen i Oslo og denne saken. Gapet mellom en regulert husleie og de regulert husleie er for stor for de med lave inntekter.Urettferdigheten lyser og er s p tagende at kommunalministeren b r utsette og beholde husleierguleringen i Oslo. Kanskje en b r gjenninnf re husleiereguleringen i de st rste byene.
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he actually bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that: Thanks for lunch!
That insight solves the problem. Thanks!
That’s the best answer by far! Thanks for contributing.
eu am citit undeva k sunt 6 vol pe dincolo si nu se stie daca asya e finalul sau mai apar si altele…intr-adevar Rao se misca taaaaare greu…pacat!
If they use what they have right, they can throw back any invasion attempt. They have plenty of powerful anti-ship missiles, not to mention plenty of older missiles. First, launch the older missiles at the US fleet first, and while the fleets defenses are busy dealing with the barrage, launch the new missiles, prefferably with powerful warheads. Goodbye, US 5th fleet.
Stashed by the computer desk in the front room is a Colt New Service 5&1/2 inch barrel in .45 Colt loaded with factory rnl loads. The build date on the old girl is 1916 and it has the stag grips. I bought from an estate and don't know its history, but it has been reblued. It is tight and accurate, don't think it was ever shot much. It is a little too big to carry, but I take it shooting now and again. I have faith in it and the cartridge.
dit :attends, je viens d’avoir un message de ta plateforme “vous envoyez vos messages trop rapidement, calmez-vous.”AH ben c’est des GROS DECONNEURS chez wordpress…
Hi hi, de finner pÃ¥ mye rart disse smÃ¥. De skoene var jo fantastisk kule da! Vet om ei her i huset som absolutt kunne tenke seg slike… mulig jeg mÃ¥ titte innom den butikken:-)
Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or incoherent. Not this!
Es gibt bald wieder ein richtiger SSSG-Game.Das soll aber sehr umfangreich werden und deshalb dauert es etwas länger.Die Kristall-Suchspiele sind nur dazu da, die Zeit etwas zu überbrücken.
Bei meiner Mutter werden die auch immer perfekt obwohl sie die einfach so nebenbei macht, dafür beneid ich sie einfach immer 😀
Hola muchas gracias por las felicitaciones!! serÃÂa muy importante que pudieras tomar el taller de este fin de semana de Cerrar Ciclos, te caerÃÂa excelente! ComunÃÂcate con nosotros para que te demos la información al 36197294 y al 55247256.Te mandamos un abrazo lleno de luz
Se o teste foi realizado com pelo menos 7 dias de atraso o mais provável é não estar grávida.Para poder engravidar convém que haja relações em perÃodo fértil.
Lokesh, you do not know everything, but in short; Bubbie was send to Pune1 by US government to find out about dangerous Indian guru. He pretended to be sanyasin, but fell madly in love with Anand. She found out about it, rejected him…and here we are, resentful CIA agent still trying to give it back to her.
This website makes things hella easy.
I was struck by the honesty of your posting
Good points all around. Truly appreciated.
Wow, your post makes mine look feeble. More power to you!
Tjena Michel!Tänkte bara frÃ¥ga lite snabbt om du har gjort nÃ¥gon förändring pÃ¥ sistone, dÃ¥ din medeltemp verkar ha kommit upp ända tilll 36.5-graderstempen? Samtidigt verkar kaliperkurvan sjunka som en sten. Känns det fastare i hullet? 🙂
Hvor har du dog været flittig Lone, det er så fedt at få lavet alle de ting.Mine skabe trænger til en ordentlig omgang, men det må vente til ferien. kan ikke rigtig nå det i min hverdag :)Knus
La situación es de saprofitismo. Viven de la descomposición del sistema público que ellos mismos provocan y potencian. Vamos de cara al abismo…Lo del Gabinete y la Directora del Gabinete, me recuerda a aquello de Groucho Marx de la parte contratante de la primera parte…Saludos
arata super,pot inlocui branza?ar merge altafel de branza?felicitari,dar meriti sa fii la inaltime asa ca sa stii ca ai multi fani si peste ocean….asteptam sa ne incanti cu noile retete,spor la scrisVA:F [1.9.17_1161](din 0 voturi)
What a joy to find someone else who thinks this way.
Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flabbergasting.
Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very important.
yummy card!.. :D.. the glitter looks so fab!yeah.. having summer all yr round an be a pain.. but look at the bright side.. you NEVER have to wear the bulky sweaters and coats! ;)Congrats Donna! 🙂
Hello there, just became alert to your blog through Google, and found that it is really informative. I am going to watch out for brussels. I’ll be grateful if you continue this in future. Many people will be benefited from your writing. Cheers!
, of course.And it’s that “get(ting) elected” thing that these people don’t really grasp. Largely, I think, because it’s so unimportant in their carefully constructed delusions of adequacy.It is, though, one of the core requirements for accomplishing things. Useful, that, don’t you think?
September 19, 2009 — 6:40 am Great article.As Brian has mentioned, having a Wiki article is more trouble than it’s worth. If, for some reason, my company were to qualify for one, I’d probably be wasting more time fending off any negative publicity than enjoying any benefit that might come from it; I suspect others would be in the same quandary.As an interesting side note, it’s also worth mentioning that someone aside from you also wondered about that Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffle entry – it was apparently tagged with a notability mark after your article was written.
il fatto che lui ci metta del sesso e lei nove mesi di gravidanza e un parto è uno sbilanciamento già piuttosto simbolico. Ma giustificano questa totale diversità dei ruoli?In questa frase c'è tutta la risposta alle tue domande.L'uomo e la donna NON sono uguali. Ed è inutile continuare a pretendere la parità o le stesse cose. La donna è diversa dall'uomo. Punto e basta.
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Times are changing for the better if I can get this online!
Rita Hayworth definitely had the “it’ factor, though there have been a lot of great and appealing actresses, it seems not many have “it.” Tracy and Hepburn were amazing together. Hepburn is my favorite actress, as far as pure talent and full body of work.
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We do a Xmas all day tapas type thing. My favourite (and the only thing I’m told I MUST make each year by all of the rest of the family) is polenta, made with heaps of cheese and herbs, cubed and wrapped in bacon and grilled or BBQd.
A piece of erudition unlike any other!
Thanks for the insight. It brings light into the dark!
ewa / Na czym polega ta dieta i ile ona kosztuje? byłam dwa lata temu na dukanie i schudłam 12kg,potem zaszłam w ciąże i przytyłam 10kg. wszystko mi zostało, a do dukana juz nie moge się zmotywować. to mój mail jak możesz to napisz mi coś o tej diecie,czy skuteczna. pozdrawiam
Whoa, things just got a whole lot easier.
Hi Joel!The character may or may not jump out of the way. However, whether or not that happens isn’t determined by what is believed in terms of the reality of the car; if jumping happens, it happens – if it doesn’t it doesn’t. The game isn’t run by a character inside it – it runs by itself.
establecerlo como parte de una estrategia de ahorro que ya esté debidamente soportada por un Fondo de Emergencia, pues asà no tendremos que liquidar la cuenta a plazo fijo de manera
Thanks for spending time on the computer (writing) so others don’t have to.
Have you ever thought about writing an ebook or guest authoring on other websites? I have a blog based on the same subjects you discuss and would really like to have you share some stories/information. I know my readers would appreciate your work. If you are even remotely interested, feel free to shoot me an e-mail.
Individuals are yours alright! . We at the very least must get these men and women stealing pictures to get started on running a blog! They most likely just did a picture investigation and grabbed them. They seem very good even though!
Hej,vilka fantastiska bilder du tar, bilderna av barnen och händerna som håller äpplet är bland det finaste jag sett på länge. Hit kommer jag gärna tillbaka!Ha en fin dag!Önskar Katarina i Sverige
Aline comentou em 21 de novembro de 2009 às 00:13. Legal Adriane, obrigada pela dica, o post bem didático mesmo… Mas depois da valiosa dica da Julia de passar o tonico com a toalha, se ela fizer o manual cuidados com a pele do corpo, eu seguirei as dicas de olhos fechados! beijos.
Great. But don’t forget one BIG thing :You have to do restoration tests periodically.Because it is alway when you have a data lost, that you discover that something went wrong in your backup. What is really important is “Restore” not “Backup”.
— These are amazing! Your photography is a huge inspiration to me. I love how you capture the day as time passes. I feel like I’m with the bride and groom throughout the day. Your photos tell peoples stories. I love it!November 30, 2012 – 11:38 am
5kc for each ketchup?! I really don’t get this. In Spain they automatically give you like 5 packets of ketchup with every menu, in Germany they give you one, but also automatically (or they give you mayo, fries sauce, whatever you want). When I was at this BK for the first time, I asked if I can have the fries sauce with the menu for free and I was told, that it would cost me 8KÄ, but that I can get a ketchup for free, so I took the ketchup. So I understand it, that there is a free ketchup with menu… You should not have paid 15Kc for them… =/
It sounds like you make good use of time that you would otherwise spend watching TV. I’m the same though, when my husband is away I get to bed very late and then I’m rubbish the next day. I really need to make an effort not to do that!
You saved me a lot of hassle just now.
March 6, 2009Girlie don’t feel bad and don’t feel like you have to explain yourself to anybody. I know LOTS of co-sleeping baby-wearing extended nursing babies that are VERY independent, as they got older that is. One day she will do it, but right now SHE needs you, all of you. I am very proud that you recognize that instead of giving in to the “oh she’ll get used to it bit”. You are a VERY good mother!HUGGS
Economies are in dire straits, but I can count on this!
I simply want to say I’m very new to blogs and actually savored your web-site. Probably I’m likely to bookmark your blog . You actually have tremendous well written articles. Regards for sharing your blog site.
Well-loved. I don’t think there is anything wrong with dating a man with children when you are in your early twenties. But if you’re only dating, you shouldn’t have to be playing step-mom anyways. I personally think it’s irresponsible for people to have their children around every girl/guy that they are casually dating. I think only when the relationship is serious,should you be interacting or making sacrifices for someone else’s child.
It’s good to see someone thinking it through.
Pleasing you should think of something like that
That’s a skillful answer to a difficult question
AED signifie « Aide à l’Eglise en Détresse ». Parmi les exactions commises par ces groupes à l’encontre des Chrétiens de Syrie, il faut relever le saccage de l’Evêché grec-catholique d’Alep en août dernier. Pour plus d’informations sur la position du clergé syrien dans le conflit, les lecteurs peuvent se reporter aux prises de positions de l’évêque grec-catholique de cette ville, Monseigneur Jeanbart, au demeurant excellent francophone (www.aed-france.org).
syde,pentru ca tocmai ce'tzi simtzii filfiitu' d'aripa aproape "in priza directa", la distantza de citeva minutzele, adica, de'o coliziune a civilizatziilor trans-ligheanice, daca tu esti ala de apari c'ai fi de p'in canada (c'altu' nu vazui p'in preajma), tziu sa te informez in mod cit se poate de onest ca lucid n'am fost, nu's si n'am sa fiu niciodata, lucru pentru care pot zice ca trebuie sa multzamesc riu-ramului natal, c'altfel as fi fost si eu p'in cele coclauri, eventual emigrant iu-es-ei, sa ma futa grija de altzii de la distantza
That is really interesting, You’re an overly professional blogger. I have joined your rss feed and look forward to searching for more of your magnificent post. Additionally, I have shared your web site in my social networks!
þтúрþю тðùýу:Úþô ôûѠòÑÂтðòúøÒÑÂё ÿþýÑÂтýþ, òþ Ã’áÕÙ àÞáØØ ýðòõрýþõ ÿþúð÷ðтõûø ûучшõ тþûьúþ ýð ÚãÑÃÂÃÂØ, тðú øх ø ÑÂрðòýøûø?!?!?!?!?!?! ÷ðúð÷ýðѠÑÂтðтьÑÂ
I think you may be on to something there. Perhaps the bearded lumberjack needs to axe the clean-shaven nerdinski and just take the wifey-poo!Thanks for your sage domestic advice, Ms. Z!
Whoa, things just got a whole lot earies.
Почему-то я не ответил, что-то помешало.
Кто же может Вам подсказать, такой трудный вопрос.
Я сам ее не решил для себя, вернее — поступал, не считая свои решения обдуманными и правильными, а так — как очень хотелось поступал. Я понял для себя несколько вещей.
Если очень хочется, то попробовать всегда стоит.
Лучшее решение не «правильное», а то, сколько сил и страсти вложено, это в конце концов решает. А про способности мы так мало знаем…
Я думаю, надо бросать, когда оно как бы само бросается. Решения обычно приходят подспудно, внезапно, но это только верхушка айсберга 🙂
Понимаете, если б я продолжал заниматься наукой, то наверняка — жил бы лучше, добился бы успеха понятного специалистам (но не очень крупного, тому причины есть),
наверное, жил бы не в России, логика дела была бы главной, хотя ни в одной стране мне не было бы так все понятно и близко… но страдал бы из-за несогласия своих человеческих качеств с характером дела. Получилось так, что это негогласие победило, я не могу описать Вам, с какимудовольствием я сижу у себя дома, и знаю, что ВСЕ мое дело умещается вот здесь, и это не частица общего дела, и я никому ничего не должен 🙂
Так что в конце концов побеждают наши человеческие свойства, а не профессиональные. Мне кажется. Но если у Вас много сил, и есть много дел, которые с Вами внутренним согласуются — то вперед! Можно попробовать потянуть многое, а когда сузятся возможности, можно будет и сузить горизонты.
Вы талантлив во многих (всех)) областях. И что Вы думаете: предназначение человека для многого, или каждому свое? Вот мне, например, необходимо (на данный период) несколько жизней. Для чего? Для того, чтоб стать всем! Вот я сейчас раскрываюсь как (допустим) художник. Но я с неменьшим бы удовольствием раскрылась бы до такой же степени как исполнительница (в опере) или как композитор (в музыке) или как поэт (в прозе)), или как служитель зоопарка. Еще мне нравится до боли двадцать профессий, которым я сейчас не могу себя посвятить ввиду того, что не сложилось (например, заниматься с дельфинами в дельфинарии, или с птицами в орнитопарке)), или даже со слонами в цирке. И как быть? Я понимаю, что при всей моей увлеченностью тем делом, что я занята, я не могу делать все то остальное, что хочу. Как же быть?? Смириться и ждать, пока мечты угаснут? Или бросать работу недоконченной, чтоб заняться другой?
Трудный вопрос. Я же старый, и многое позади.
По первому своему образованию я биохимик, биофизик, энзимолог. В аспирантуре был в Институте высокомолекулярных соед. (Ленинград) работа была по структуре ферментов. Много лет работал в Институте биофизики АН. Лет тридцать тому назад круто повернул, сначала бездельничал, потом начал писать картины, рисовать, был связан с московскими художниками М.Рогинским и Е.Измайловым. Это стало моей профессией, и даже картинки продавались неплохо (потом перестали продаваться). А с 80-х годов начал писать прозу, и думаю, что профессионал. А 1986 года нигде систематически не работаю, так, временные заработки переводами. Последние лет десять ничего не продаю, пенсионер.
Точный ответ?
Дан, а кто вы по профессии?