Ура, забытая обнаружилась!..

Обнаружил сегодня в старых ссылках, забыл совершенно, откуда это…
Ничего нового там, но понравилось, как вызываются картинки побольше — наводишь курсор на миниатюру — и пожалуйста тебе…
Если бы беспамятство шло последовательно по пятам, то скоро бы остался с сегодняшним днем. Но все устроено гуманней — я про эти «столбики полосатые» в тумане, про изображения и образы, события, которые несмываемыми чернилами записаны. Вот если уж они начнут тонуть, то дело плохо… А пока сплошной оптимизьм…
Кстати… Представляет ли эта несмываемая сеть образов, картин и слов, если записать-нарисовать, легко воспринимаемый остов истории жизни, или шифром каким записано?..

Автор: DM

Дан Маркович родился 9 октября 1940 года в Таллине. По первой специальности — биохимик, энзимолог. С середины 70-х годов - художник, автор нескольких сот картин, множества рисунков. Около 20 персональных выставок живописи, графики и фотонатюрмортов. Активно работает в Интернете, создатель (в 1997 г.) литературно-художественного альманаха “Перископ” . Писать прозу начал в 80-е годы. Автор четырех сборников коротких рассказов, эссе, миниатюр (“Здравствуй, муха!”, 1991; “Мамзер”, 1994; “Махнуть хвостом!”, 2008; “Кукисы”, 2010), 11 повестей (“ЛЧК”, “Перебежчик”, “Ант”, “Паоло и Рем”, “Остров”, “Жасмин”, “Белый карлик”, “Предчувствие беды”, “Последний дом”, “Следы у моря”, “Немо”), романа “Vis vitalis”, автобиографического исследования “Монолог о пути”. Лауреат нескольких литературных конкурсов, номинант "Русского Букера 2007". Печатался в журналах "Новый мир", “Нева”, “Крещатик”, “Наша улица” и других. ...................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... Dan Markovich was born on the 9th of October 1940, in Tallinn. For many years his occupation was research in biochemistry, the enzyme studies. Since the middle of the 1970ies he turned to painting, and by now is the author of several hundreds of paintings, and a great number of drawings. He had about 20 solo exhibitions, displaying his paintings, drawings, and photo still-lifes. He is an active web-user, and in 1997 started his “Literature and Arts Almanac Periscope”. In the 1980ies he began to write. He has four books of short stories, essays and miniature sketches (“Hello, Fly!” 1991; “Mamzer” 1994; “By the Sweep of the Tail!” 2008; “The Cookies Book” 2010), he wrote eleven short novels (“LBC”, “The Turncoat”, “Ant”, “Paolo and Rem”, “White Dwarf”, “The Island”, “Jasmine”, “The Last Home”, “Footprints on the Seashore”, “Nemo”), one novel “Vis Vitalis”, and an autobiographical study “The Monologue”. He won several literary awards. Some of his works were published by literary magazines “Novy Mir”, “Neva”, “Kreshchatyk”, “Our Street”, and others.

Ура, забытая обнаружилась!..: 120 комментариев

  1. All this litigation would go away if the Autohop just placed the commercials at the end of the program. All customers want is to watch an uninterrupted program. Broacasters want to keep their ads and Dish wants happy customers with an edge in technology.I guess the world needs stubborn people with lots of money in order to provide lawyers with a livelihood.

  2. What, "Clod with delusions of adequacy?" Any more, it seems to be a prerequisite for the job. Y'know, MM, if'n you are fixin' to light that cross, you're gonna hafta push my mixed-race self outta the way to do it and I take a very dime view of the hazards of open flame.

  3. Were those typos painful for you? Haha – sorry! I was in a huff.The sad thing is that there is almost always a reason people are mean bullies, the same way there is almost always a reason people sexually abuse others. It is a terrible cycle we would do well to try and break instead of just shrugging it off as part of growing up (which is how I fear a lot of sexual abuse is dealt with, too).

  4. c’est justement ça la méritocratie! Si tu bosses dur et que tu es intelligent, même si tu as des origines très modestes tu pourras intégrer une grande école publique payée par l’état.Si tu flemmardes et que tu es un fils à papa, il te paiera une école privée, de niveau très logiquement inférieur. Si tu flemmardes et que tu n’es pas fils à papa, tu prendras un crédit.C’est un système qui récompense le travail et le talent. Bcp de râleurs manquent de l’un, de l’autre ou les 2. Ils ne tiendraient pas le même discours s’ils en sortaient!

  5. 159I started using the gift set I got from my sister for Christmas. Already, my face feels softer with just the moisturizer and cleanser. On Saturday I’m going to try the Nourish and Exfoliater. I can’t wait. I’ll let you know how that goes. Great stuff! Thanks, from Angela K.12e

  6. scusate ma è illogico o son io che parlando in brasilero vedo un contrasto in queste due notizie apparse su il sole oggi:“Già ora la produzione di energia elettrica causa più emissioni del petrolio, il che significa che bisogna dare una risposta anche alla dipendenza dal carbone.” dal link dato prima.e poi:”poste italiane vogliono investire su auto ibride emissioni al 75% e auto elettriche, emissioni zero”…. zero?

  7. Bordergal — the idea of «holding someone accountable» is part of the old hierarchical thinking, and owes a lot to the ever-present hovering vultures known as lawyers, with their liability lawsuits waiting to be filed.If you look at small organizations with very little hierarchy, you get an idea of other ways of assigning accountability. When a mistake is made, someone is responsible and blame is laid, but it does not have to be done via a hierarchy.A legal system will probably always require some kind of hierarchical structure, but I’m not sure that all the other functions of government require it.

  8. igen, nagyon sokan szoktak panaszkodni miatta, engem nagyjából egy évadig bosszantott kicsit, amikor elkezdtem korcsolyát nézni, azóta meg már észre se veszem. értem, miért csinálják, és látványra se találom zavarónak. igazság szerint a korisok eléggé tudatában vannak, hogy mennyit számít a kinézetük, és nyilván okkal döntenek a kevésbé esztétikus megoldás mellett.

  9. I am extremely impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Either way keep up the nice quality writing, it is rare to see a nice blog like this one nowadays..

  10. Amen! I can have a beer (please note the word/letter “a” for all those who believe in prohibition)after a hard day of work while watching SHU play. This is America. Now all I need is for it to be a reasonable price, but beggers can not be choosers.Did they explain or show how they cover the upper seats/level for not well attended games?BB

  11. Querido Dante, muchas gracias por tu opinión acerca de La mujer más fea del mundo. Me alegro que te haya gustado y sobre todo que le cogieras cariño, como cuentas. No había pensado que, de tan fea que es, no tiene ni nombre.Querido Pe-jota, se hace lo que se puede… ¡y más!¡Muchas gracias y abrazos fuertes para los dos!

  12. I live near a Lubavitcher temple and the women all have about ten children and start at 17 or 18. What are teen birth rates like in Mexico? I am sure that the Mexican government is not as foolish as the US government in paying unmmaried teenagers to have children.

  13. Nun ja, ihr vergesst anscheinend immer wieder, dass ihr Menschen seid und der Mensch lernt nicht mit den Augen, sondern durch Begreifen – sprich angreifen (außerdem können manche Leute ihren Augen nicht trauen, deswegen müssen sie es gefühlt haben)!

  14. I've been quite happy with my SA Micro Compact .45 for the better part of the last decade. In a well worn VM-II of course. I originally started my CCW journey with a Full size 1911 in a Summer Special 2, I moved right up to the Microcompact fairly quickly and It's been a great companion ever since. I do have to admit that about a year ago my Sig collection outgrew my 1911 collection and since I've been semi-seriously considering a change to the Sig 22x platform.I will not carry my P7, I have failed to make it go boom twice since I picked it up due to the grip safety. I'm very much of the one platform mindset for my CCW.

  15. Such enthusiastic work you have going on here. I wish to hear more from you and your work. My girlfriend referred me to this place and I was touched to see what I read! Keep it up!VA:F [1.6.5_908]please wait…VA:F [1.6.5_908](from 0 votes)

  16. Great vid! a quick question though, is it possible if your partner riding as a passanger can also listen to the music via bluetooth on your ipod. In other words, can 2 people listen to the music at the same time from 1 Ipod? Thanks for the response!

  17. In order to acquire hold of the top money management software,you have to spend some time to identify each function which you currently require, and thenfor any other functions that you just think you will need over the next couple of years.A couple of the young artists asked Milli to become their manager.For the remainder of the blog, I’m going to write as if you’re in Los Angeles or intend to be here at some point.

  18. Caro Dr.Tavares Moreira:Os meus mais sinceros parabéns pelo excelente artigo!Desejo-lhe a continuação da boa forma que este artigo evidencia!Um abraço!Albérico Lopes

  19. Simferei omos i enotita stus politikous mas.Mono etsi aytoi tha mporoyn an yparhoun.Vrikan ti lish tora pigainoun oloi sta albanika kommata voelvontai jia logo tous kai lene oti voithoun tin patrida.I patrida ji aftous einai aftoi oi idioi

  20. Der Treiber ist glaube ich dafür da dass die Grafikkarte überhaupt läuft. Und das Problem bei Barbara ist, dass sie eine integrierte Grafikkarte hat, das ist bei ihr irgendwie total anders, als wenn man z. Bs. eine Grafikkarte von Nvidia hat.

  21. Muchas veces me he preguntado, que espera Mexico de mi! cuando en el alma se trae enalienable el deseo de progreso, te arruinan, arruinan a la juventud, de una manera criminal y desgraciada. Que se hace cuando la retorica oficial nos dice algo y la realidad es otra.

  22. Du har da nogle sømhuller, Lone, kan se ud fra dit sidste billede 🙂 Jeg er imponeret over dit gÃ¥pÃ¥mod – jeg burde straks lade mig inspirere af dig. Vi har ogsÃ¥ hvide vægge og karme, men de holder sig jo desværre kun pæne et par Ã¥r.

  23. I do believe that Islam is a religion; one of the oldest in the world, in fact. Whatever its tenets, whatever its doctrine, Islam is no cult. I’m surprised that Herman Cain believes communities should have the right to ban mosques. Religious freedom is one of the most basic freedoms we enjoy here in America; and I say that as a member of a religion whose founder was constantly persecuted, wrongfully imprisoned, and ruthlessly assassinated by people who refused to allow anyone who practiced that religion any peace or place to do so. To me, this statement disqualifies Herman Cain not only from the presidency, but the vice presidency as well.

  24. Bon la mini vous est arrivée ( sinon c est que tu es une éléphante et tu caches bien ton jeu)…J espère te lire bientôt malgré tout! Et que tout va bien, surtout avec cette chaleur de fou chez nous à Lyon…A bientôt!

  25. The poor plushie. The poor, poor plushie.Chris-chan, only you can stop the killing.Kill yourself and stop the killing.The world requires that you and your stupidity must die! ;__; No more plushie deaths!!

  26. omg — katy, i’m a little freaked out by your selection… as i just received nearly the EXACT same order!!! same charm packs and all! need i say… i like your taste in fabrics??? spooky!

  27. Starting a site relevant to this one forced me to get into some research and I found your post to be extremely useful. My site is centered around the idea curing cancer by halting the angiogenic process. I hope of you good luck with your writing in the future and I’ll definitely keep an eye on you.

  28. Actually, that’s why I didn’t get my MFA: couldn’t stand all the ego stroking (which is certainly not representative of everyone who loves literature, but sadly there do seem to be many like this in academia). Krystal presumes to speak for all writers across all genres in this piece, and it’s infuriating. And yes, he does come off as clueless in addition to snobby. There’s no good science fiction because 1984 isn’t sf. Probably, to him, Frankenstein isn’t horror. This is just ignorance.

  29. Hatred is a pointless, selfish, and self-destroying emotion. This comes from someone who hates a lot. It is useless, exhausting, and ungodly, regardless of its inclusion in the bible as being something God does. If He does do it, having done it myself, and knowing its source and effect, He is not God.

  30. I do consider all of the ideas you’ve offered for your post. They’re really convincing and can certainly work. Nonetheless, the posts are too quick for newbies. May just you please extend them a bit from next time? Thank you for the post.

  31. I’m still with Nubian and I wouldn’t want to fall out with anyone over it either, especially any of those who are far cleverer than I am on the crossword front!! Have kept quiet for the last few hours as I was beginning to feel a touch on the outnumbered side. I think trying to persuade Rufus to comment is a great idea.

  32. salvo mandolfo scrive: 16 gennaio 2011 alle 00:15ottima idea, da ripetere più spesso e con titoli come marcolin,cioè che destino curiosità ed interesse per il contesto recente ed attuale;molto utile ed interessante sarebbe a mio avviso anche una disamina al più presto di titoli quali marr, diasorin, danieli, safilo, carraro, interpump etc

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  34. trojans are def the way to go. All condoms do expand to fit whatever size, however its the band that differs between brands. lifestyles band on the bottom of the condom is just too tight.Also, remember that a dude can fill a magnum one night and not another.

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  38. What are some tasty and soft food choices to have after my dental procedure…?I’m getting a scaling and root planning (cleansing dental procedure) done, and I will need to have some soft foods after. I had half of it doe yesterday and was able to have salad, mashed potatoes and mac & cheese. That could get boring. What other foods can I have?

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  42. Interesting concept.In a word, yes.What other choice would it be, Mr. Morton?Or as I like to call him, John the Evil Marionette. Bob Barr? As much as I like her personally, Cynthia McKinney? Or, God forbid, Lazy Eyed Ralph? With these choices, Hell Yes!!!

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  44. Thank you. Lessons from the past are precious:-) We grow up with children and find the similarities and differences in a society staring at us. To bring about a change in the living world is essential, isn’t it?

  45. Wydaje mi siÄ™, że rozumiem doskonale, zresztÄ…, absolutnie nie negujÄ™ Twoich stwierdzeÅ„, a wrÄ™cz zgadzam siÄ™ z Twoimi „baumanowskimi” obserwacjami w 100%, chodziÅ‚o mi raczej o to, że dla mnie odrobinÄ™ wyklucza siÄ™ prowadzenie bloga, w którym wrzuca siÄ™ kolejne odsÅ‚ony swojego „opakowania” z nowymi, zakupionymi ciuchami i refleksje nad kierunkiem Å›wiata, jakikolwiek by on nie byÅ‚, pozytywny, czy negatywny.nie miaÅ‚am zamiaru atakować, jeżeli tak to odebraÅ‚aÅ›.również pozdrawiam

  46. This was one of my resolutions, too! I now eat a large egg, a piece of multi-grain toast with some butter (some things are too good to give up), a couple of cups of coffee and a small glass of orange juice about an hour before I leave to walk to work. Carries me through until lunch everyday, and I’ve noticed a huge difference in my morning energy levels.

  47. Nick is so brave. If I were him, I would not be so cheerful. He gave us a positive attitude. And never say you can’t. Always try everything that you are interested in. He is a person that make everyone knows there is nothing impossible.

  48. I can’t say that I completely agree, but then once more I’ve never truly thought of it quite like that before. Thanks for giving me something to think about when I’m supposed to have an empty mind even though trying to fall asleep tonight lol..

  49. cher mr Untel,Derrière un arbre ou sur des toilettes tel qu’on le connaît dans notre petit monde dit « civilisé » je peux vous assurer que l’on se baisse vers l’arrière en position plus ou moins assise et que l’on baisse son pantalon.a+Julien

  50. Moi aussi c'est le côté doux amer (plus amer que doux selon moi) de la fin qui fait que j'ai aimé ce roman. Mais je trouve que l'auteure est restée très cohérente, du début à la fin.

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  52. LOL at the serial continuation idea. I do agree that every gadget has its positive and negative sides. But I have been trying to make out how people have been using TV positively. The TV seems to be used more negatively by us and against us. One positive thing is it relaxes your mind (with some entertainment) after an exhaustive day of work. Destination Infinity

  53. need some help in relationship healing? Book a fr*ee session and be prepared to be amazed  [caption id="attachment_2574" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Are you looking for your Soulma…to achieve balance" width="200" height="300" />[/caption] Today, relationship healing tip#4 where

  54. Bonjour Martin,Je me réjouissais de ta venue au salon du livre mais j’ai noté qu’il y avait une petite * à côté de ton nom indiquant « sous réserve » et je ne vois nulle annonce sur ton agenda. Viens tu, ne viens tu pas ?Bien cordialement,EmiliePS : j’ai voulu t’envoyer ceci par mail mais ton serveur pense que je suis un spam :p

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  56. I love this idea. I do have a magnolia and it has SO many blooms my whole yard smells lemony. We won't discuss what a mess it makes in the pool and on the pool deck. I'm going to do this today! I cut leaves for greenery in mason jars with gerbera daises for my son's wedding reception last fall but we only kept them a day. Even if they only last a few weeks it will still be awesome!

  57. Fruktansvärt bra låt. Kanske kursen skulle börjat med denna låten. Hörde den första gången på Theme time radio hour, var annars? Så även gamle Bob har noterat dess förträfflighet.

  58. Ha! In spite of all the ads stating how important it is to buy as much as you possibly can, I washed and vacuumed one of the cars, then took pictures of it instead. The “For Sale” ad will be going up Monday or Tuesday. Chew on that Corporate America!

  59. bedankt voor je bijdrage! Kun je iets zeggen op welke manier de sites die je noemt dat doen? Dan wil ik graag kijken wat daarin met Voordekunst mogelijk is, en wat we zelf nog kunnen doen.Misschien kan ook Roy daar dan nog iets over zeggen… Ben benieuwd!

  60. What an interesting salad, Angie. I known nothing about Canarian cooking but this recipe seems a perfect place to start.I love potatoes and cilantro, so, as far as I'm concerned there is nothing here not to love. Have a wonderful day. Blessings…Mary

  61. All utilities should produce at least 50% of their eliccretity from carbon neutral resources by 2020, IMO,(some US utilities already achieve this standard) and at least 90% by 2030 with a 15% sin tax on all energy produced by any utility that fails to reach these goals.This would be a powerful incentive for companies to start investing and building carbon neutral electric power plants both nuclear and renewable. Marcel F. William

  62. Да, я тоже думаю, что детали могут быть туманны, но общее направление все-таки угадывается 🙂 Иначе искусство вообще оставалось бы только внутренней работой 🙂

  63. Слегка зашифровано, однако не настолько, чтобы жизнь Ваша казалась совсмем непонятной 🙂

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