117v09: 113 комментариев

  1. Just wanted to note that District Attorney Thom LeDoux was in the parade riding his bicycle and pulling a bicycle trailer with his two daughters in it. His wife also rode her bicycle. They were riding in front of the vehicle representing Thom LeDoux for District Attorney. I know because I was driving the truck.

  2. Well if you want something luxurious and sporty the 535i would be good.It has a 3.0 Liter turbocharged inline 6 cylinder engine. They are very nice but they cost about $ 51,000. But if you something more sporty and fast go with the 335i. That has a 3.0 Liter turbo Charged engine. Very nice or the fastest or them all the M3 with the 4.0 liter V8 with 414 horse power. BMW’s are very sporty and luxurious and Fast. There are a lot of choices. The M3 would be the best for sure.

  3. Just wanted to highlight one point that you have not factored in.. The time it takes to get legal reliefs in the judicial process. People have inhibitions taking the legal recourse or getting into the process of ensuring legal rights. This in many ways effect the inherent advantages of availing "quality legal services", and compels the people to look for cheap alternatives.Nice post. I see a lot of first generation legal entrepreneurs making a mark in recent times. Regards,Kshitij

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  5. Så koselig julete innlegg!:)..her skal jeg si det var go`julestemning! Ja, sånt liker jeg:)Ønsker deg og dine en riktig god jul og et godt nytt år!:)Juleklem fra meg og Ferdinand-pusen

  6. Pas plus tard qu’hier soir, j’ai réussi à placer dans la conversation:« On peut sortir le tigre de la jungle mais on ne sortira jamais la jungle du tigre. »hé oui, je suis friand de lieux communs, de dictons ou autres proverbes…Si je ne m’abuse, le tigre vit (vivait) plutôt aux Indes* qu’aux Amériques.*de la Sibérie à l’Indonésie, ça fait grand pour l’Inde mais ça sonne mieux comme ça.

  7. Low Tar Thinking. I love it. It’s like the idea of just getting the gym membership or buying those $200 (£ for you sir) will help them lose weight. People forget that they actually have to go. Well said.

  8. Team 3 – Great insight on how important it is to show repect to guest who come into our church or bible talks. Our hearts should always come from following in Jesus’s steps of valuing people, Jesus loved and respected people by always speaking the truth in love.Thanks for the reminder.Dshaikh needs to speak a little louder.

  9. a51561d3C’est heureusement faux. Les gosses de riches n’ont pas attendu ce programme d’universités populaires pour fréquenter leurs compagnons de castes dans les autres pays. Par contre ce programme a permis à des millions d’étudiants de vivre pendant 6 à 12 mois la vraie Europe sociale, pas l’Europe marchande. Bien sûr ils boivent, guindaillent, font du boucan, mais au moins ils le font en anglais, espagnol, allemand, italien.347b845

  10. Truth and Freedom,It doesn’t matter if there isn’t one co-sponsor. We need to be ever watchful or the next one may have complete support! If they ask you to sign a petition sign it, If they ask you for a donation and you can afford it give it!!! I have sent this site to all on my e-mail list and have posted it n several other conservative sites!!!I have several guns and it would be like losing part of me to lose them!

  11. Your day looked amazing! I was vegetarian for 6 months, until I my best friend found a picture of me eating a hot dog on FB! Speaking of Best friends. I feel like if we lived closer we could actually hang out, but my best friend lives in Portland and she hasn't made many friends yet. I feel like I'm setting her up on a date! I'm just saying in a non creepy way you two would get along great! I still feel creepy. sorry 🙂

  12. Yesss! Baby food!! I have not seen that brand apple/butternut squash. I feel like such a weirdo shopping in the baby food aisle with all the moms I used to get cysts in my eyes!! Hasn't happened in a few years though, but it's definitely weird. I've been scheduled to go in for laser eye surgery a couple times to get them removed, and then they always went away before the appointment came up… Was this answer helpful?

  13. 唔知點解,ä½  ( 可能你男扮女還是女扮男? ) 結尾果啲 hahaha 睇落好詭異,好肉酸。講來講去,都係要回到老土到想喊的話題,就是「其實我識得有人咁咁咁㗎,又咁咁咁喎,你遇唔到嗟、你未見到嗟,你檢討下啦」之類。我諗你又係每日在討論區哈哈笑九唔搭八,一時扮下男人熱血青年,一時貼幅唔知乜撚嘢少女照片就扮美少女然後好多人會走嚟逗你好開心果種…..你真係 fucking funny ~

  14. //Other point : Muslims need not worry about parpaniam and use this to brainwash people. Thats our internal problem with Hindus.//If Mulims need not to worry about paarppaniyam, then who?If D.K people need not to worry about paarppaniyam, then who?If an Hindu need not to worry about paarppaniyam, then who?Hope now your comments and my response is now matching

  15. Pakko näin kielipoiisina valittaa: taas oli tekstiin päässyt viittausvirhe, niitä on tässä blogissa ihan liikaa…Itse sisältöön viitaten; mielestäni voisi ottaa hieman tiukemmankin linja, esim. olla käyttämättä turhia sähkölaitteita. Ja yksi lihaton päiväkin on melko vähän, pitäähän kalaakin syödä kahdesti viikossa (heh) ja joku kasvispäivä tai pari joukkoon. Tai jotain.

  16. Hhmmm – my works-in-slow-progress pile is getting so enormous that I’m sure there are a few things in there that might fit the bill (buttons, hems, basting, unpicking etc) but this is a new idea to me. I have a mountain of scraps thet I can’t bring myself to discard….maybe this could be just the thing. Now I need a nice container to keep them in..,..

  17. SavigniProfessore, professore…, noto che la volpe perde il pelo, ma non il vizio!Quando la smetterà – da buon cattolico adulto – di mettere in secondo piano l’autorità del Santo Padre Benedetto XVI?!?

  18. demais, busco refúgio nas historinhas curtas com as investigações do comissário Maigret. Acho até que já escrevi isso aqui no blog. Semana passada, aconteceu de novo.Da pilha de livros da coleção de bolso com as novelas de

  19. “Just not done”? By who? For how long? I seriously question when people declare ultimatums about blogging or personal websites. I think what you did was thoughtful, very different from “peer pressure”. Personally, my blog is a dictatorship, not a democracy. Any rules I have about what I do or don’t post are mine to make. You’re obviously more knowledgable about all this than me but I’d hate to see blogs lose their individuality in the face of feeling the need to please others.

  20. WOW so many FOs at once!! These are all fabulous! I saw the chariote mittens up on ravelry-somehow the change in color scheme on that makes for a very different looking pattern. I didn’t even recognize them at first.

  21. today’s first installment of how-tos for the Crafting an MBA video challenge, I’ve got not one, but two, videos to share. If you missed the introduction last week,

  22. I think that is among the so much important info for me. And i’m happy studying your article. However want to commentary on few general things, The web site taste is great, the articles is truly nice : D. Good job, cheers

  23. Ooh will have to check out. Particularly if the dark chocolate ones are dairy free; I'm always looking for new (chocolate flavoured) snacks my daughter can have!Thanks for linking up!

  24. Dear Youtube:The new video page is a huge mistake. everyone fucking hates it, and it will definitely lead to some large scale drop outs from youtube. I cant even favorite videos anymore because the whole page is glitched. CONSIDER CHANGING IT BACK IF YOU WANT TO MAKE PEOPLE AT LEAST A BIT MORE FUCKING HAPPY.

  25. Trocar de casca de vez em quando faz um bem danado pra gente. Sair de nossa bolha da zona de conforto também. Novos ares, novas coisas por fazer, isto faz com que a vida seja vivida.

  26. En overigens herinnert het er weer aan dat duizenden jaren mannenbestuur hebben bewezen dat het ellende brengt. Het bewijst dat we eens bestuur door vrouwen moeten proberen. Laat Nederland het goede voorbeeld geven, tenminste tachtig procent vrouwen in het parlement, laten in Nederland D66, GL, SP en de PvdA het goede voorbeeld geven.mvg

  27. no but suggested manufacturing synthetic marijuana. LOL LOL. We already have synthetic marijuana. It's called Spice and when smoked causes psychosis.It's illegal in many states now. Someone should whisper that in his ear if he's asked about marijuana again.

  28. 三人のお子さんを育てながら、お仕事にも責任を持って取り組んでいらっしゃるご様子に尊敬の気持ちを抱きます。みなさんの色々なお考えに対するきりんさんのお返事も拝読していると、ホントに色々と考えて試して頑張っていらっしゃるご様子が感じ取れました。私には参考になる経験も無いのですが…、一つ気になった事が有ったのでコメントさせて頂きました。次男さんの発言が、いつもとても物わかりが良い…と言う事が少し気にかかりました。そんなに欲しかったカードももう要らない、卒業する。…と言われる。お小遣いも500円で良いとご本人が決めたと書かれていましたね。その場限りの嘘をついているのでは…と言うのでは無く、ご両親の期待に応えようと、次男君のとても一生懸命な姿が感じられるのです。親を困らせてしまった、期待に反してしまった自分を反省して、本気で卒業しますと思って言っている…。でも、ホントの本音が言えているのかなあ…と気になりました。私は長年保育士として仕事をしてきたので、子供の気持ちが少しだけわかる部分も有るのでは…と思っているのですが、子供って褒められると嬉しいしやる気になりますよね。自己肯定感を育てていくためにしっかり褒めましょうと、どこにでも書かれています。私も「お手伝いしてくれてありがとう」「すっごく助かった」「優しくしてくれる◯◯ちゃんが大好き」等と言ってきましたが、子供が自分自身を好きになり自分に自信を持つ一番の褒め方は、行動を褒める、事では無く存在を褒める、と言う事だと思っています。「なんて可愛い子」「可愛いお手て」「泣いててもぷーのほっぺが可愛いよ」「ここに来て、抱っこさせて〜。」「おはよう、今日も会えて嬉しいよ」「◯◯ちゃんが大好き」排泄のお手伝い(紙でお尻を拭くなど)をした時は「ぷりぷり元気ウンチ君だね」など…、その子がそばに居てくれる事を嬉しいと思ってる、イイコトをしないでも居てくれるだけで嬉しいと思ってる事を言葉にして伝えると子供はすごく安心して、信頼して、自分の思いをしっかりと遠慮なく伝えてきてくれます。もちろんきりんさんは保育士とは比べ物にならない愛情を持ってお子さんを育て接していらっしゃる事はわかって居ます。ただお子さんの発言を読むと、お子さんは自分自身への自信と信頼と肯定感を充分に感じていらっしゃらないのでは…と気になって…。いい子で居たい。でもボクは違うのかな…。と、お子さんなりに思い悩む思いを抱いていらっしゃるのでは……と。もう10歳になれば赤ちゃんに対するような褒め方をしてもおかしいとは思いますが、6歳の子でも「大好き、抱っこさせて」と膝に乗せるとすごく安心してました。きりんさんがお子さんがお手伝いしてくれた事など、しっかりと褒めて認めていらっしゃる事はよくわかります。ただ、そこにイイ子じゃない時も大好きだよ、って気持ちを伝える事も+してみては如何でしょうか。朝お子さんが起きた時毎日一番イイ笑顔で「おはよう」って言う。スキンシップを心がける…など、少しの工夫でお子さんに気持ちは伝わります。まとまらなくてズレたコメントになってしまったかも知れません…。すみません…。

  29. ce projet ……..ils appellent ca le developement économique………..essentielsa l`industie touristique…….ca doit aller de pair avec les crise de testosterones vers 4 hrs du matinentoucas le vieux batiment avait un charme que celui en début construction aura dans 50 anspas avant………domage……le progres faut croire

  30. also disagree greatly with the assertion on love. One of the best rebounders in the game, and does the little things very very well. You are also wrong about eric gordon, who while undersized is actually VERY athletic. Curry’s game will translate incredibly well to the international game, (much like Love’s), but if he is interested, Rondo will be chosen for defensive purposes. (Rose is a sieve, and billups is getting old)

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  33. Itse olen ihan tuon gogreen-vaniljakastikkeen fani! Se on tosi ihanaa, kun se on jo purkista tullessa niin paksua ettei tartte vatkailla. Ja mitä tästä elämästä tulee, jos joka asiaa pitää vahtia niin tarkkaan? Kyllä se niin on, että suuret linjat ratkaisevat eikä pienet herkkuhetket silloin tällöin. Jokatapauksessa elimistömme altistuu yhdelle sun toiselle joka päivä, joten muutama lisäaine herkuttelun yhteydessä ei liene henkeä vie.. onneksi! :)Mukavaa päivää ja hyviä herkkuhetkiä Nooralle, on taas ollut hyviä postauksia! =)

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  35. Eu não como carne, e para ser sincera, tb não curto mto a tal PST, mas amei a receita, e vou “me jogar”!!! hahahahahaha…………. bjks!!!!!PS: creio q tb ficaria lindo rechear com uma escarolinha bem refogadinha, não???

  36. You really think the game looks bad why do you say that. Crytek has also been at the cutting edge of graphics tech I have no doubt that on pc this game visually will be EPIC consoles should be good too if crysis 2 is any indication. Also keep in mind there is still dev time to tighten things up. I would love it if they upped the gore levels in the game to realistic levels. I want to see the horrors of combat and the carnage I have caused LOLVN:F [1.9.17_1161](from 5 votes)

  37. These RINOs leave Sheriff Joe out alone hanging in the wind. WE must get behind JD Hayworth over McCain. He was on Hardball speaking up about the BC. LETS SUPPORT HAYWORTH & SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO!Sue, sorry to hear of your loss…all in the middle of the Scott Brown race.I read somewhere that Scott’s buddy or colleague was a “birther”. The libs are ready to play SCARLET LETTER now….they are gonna be real busy.Off topic but I found a good educational vid. on SHARIA FINANCE that the Jihadis are infiltrating us with….please watch and consider joining this group.

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  39. Hi, I import the javax.mail in my Android email sending project and I did build the required .jar files into my project. But after I done with my programming with no technical errors, a box stating my project got errors after I run it and my laptop Avira antivirus security alert popped out as well and I manage to find the problem with my project which is “ANDROID/Gugespy.A found in ..bin/classes.dex file”, but I do not know how to solve it… Need help from everyone…

  40. This is a great thing! The number of hits I got when I put mine on here was incredible. You girls have an amazing number of readers. I don't have anything else funny for you as I'm phasing out my writing for now, but I'll still come back to enjoy the links here~

  41. Thanks Susie! We have exactly two left (and only because I hid them in an effort to see if they’ll go an extra day at room temp.) Assuming the kids haven’t found my secret hiding place yet!

  42. Notera att Beppe Bergomi (no shit, Inter) och Fabio Caressa (Roma) tyckte att Constant ”kom in i matchen bra i andra halvlek” och att De Jong ”slog rekord i bakÃ¥tpassningar, en riktigt svÃ¥r match för honom”. Högavlönade TV-profiler.Kanske är bättre med Hussfelt trots allt, Ã¥tminstone snackar han inte om fotbollen…Första och sista gÃ¥ngen jag creddar dvärgen.

  43. "I'm a bit confused here. At first I thought the "professionals" were the researchers. You've excluded them. "That's the key question. As far as "administration", they don't seem to be a major block here.The "professionals", whoever, include a lot of things. And as we can see from the Johns Hopkins example, it may be a trait of medical schools to have so many additional "professionals" in their staff. Where those "researchers" falls, I have no idea. Some may be under "grad researchers".

  44. And, no, false arrest or detainment or possibly disorderly conduct (look up the ORC) warrants Mr. Righi’s usage of 911. If it was illegal or unwarranted, he’d have been cited for that.It’s not like he called them because they skipped the ketchup on his burger. There was a dispute, and the cop was the mediator.

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  47. Perhaps the greatest good to come out of this will be the exposure of the current fiat money system, probably the most successful “something for nothing” scam ever devised by our species.

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